Digital mural illustrations for is Guzman y Gomez , an Australian licensed, casual-dining restaurant chain specializing in dishes such as burritos, fries, nachos, tacos, and other specialty items. It is a franchised business with 135 restaurants in operation throughout Australia, Singapore, Japan, and the United States.
The murals are inspired on the mexican culture and the special-symbolic bond that exists with food in a positive-uplifting way. The final pieces are Los Jaguares, La Comida and La Fiesta.
Art Direction: Arto Group (MX)
Illustration: Luis Pinto

"Los Jaguares" Mural Illustration

Sketch process of "Los Jaguares" Mural Illustration

"La Comida" Mural Illustration

"La Fiesta" Mural Illustration

Guzmán y Gómez - Victoria Point. Image by DCB Developments all rights reserved